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Visual Studio Interview Questions

Microsoft Visual Studio is a Microsoft-based integrated software environment. It is useful for developing computer systems, websites, desktop applications, web services, and smartphone applications. So, these questions from Visual Studio Interviews will help you break your next work interview with Visual Studio.

1.   Define Visual Studio

Ans: Visual Studio is a Microsoft built-in programming platform, suitable for consoles, GUIs, Windows Forms, web servers, and Web apps. Visual Studio is necessary to write Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE,.NET Framework,.NET Compact, and Microsoft Silverlight Networks.

2.   What is the use of Visual Studio?

Ans: The advanced programming environment of Visual Studio is an innovative pad for launch, which you can use to edit, debug, create and release an app. An integrated development environment is an extensive application that you can use in many areas of developing applications.

3.   Describe the Browser link.

Ans: Browser Link is a major update in Visual Studio 2013, which provides a communication channel to one or more web browsers. You may also use the Browser Connection to refresh the program simultaneously for cross-browser checking in many browsers. You will also automatically share data between your web application and your visual Studio.

4.   Explain about DLL Hell.

Ans: DLL hell is an issue where a recent application version may destroy or hinder other applications. Since modern DLLs are a copy of the device and older applications, they do not or are not compatible. Dot NET solves this issue by allowing several assembly iterations at any time. Often called side-by-side versioning of components.

5.   Mention different features in Visual Studio.


Redefined basics – A modern configuration experience allows you to update faster and install whatever you need.

Performance and usability – focusing on innovative and new capabilities for web, cloud, and desktop development.

Creation of the Azure cloud application – A integrated Azure tool suite makes it easy to create Microsoft Azure's first cloud-driven applications.

Creation of cross platforms - Start sending to any targeted app program. Extend DevOps to SQL Server processes via Redgate Data Tools and securely simplify Visual Studio database deployments.

Games development – You can use Visual Studio Tools for Unity to write C# game and editor scripts, then use its potent debugger to detect errors and repair them.

6.   What is Solution Explorer?

Ans: Solution Explorer gives you an overview of your job, solution, or code folder structure of files and directories. You can scan the hierarchy and navigate to a register in Solution Explorer.

7.   Define Refactoring.

Ans: Refactoring is the improvement process once you have developed your code. Refactoring adjusts the code’s internal configuration unchanged by its actions.

8.   How can you detect Clone Code in Visual Studio?

Ans: Clones make it difficult to modify the application since more than one fragment must be found and modified. Either you can find clones of a certain fragment or find both clones of your solution.

You can find the clones of a certain fragment, or you may find all the clones. Besides the direct detection of clones, the clone analysis method may find fragments that varied in the names of variables and parameters and rearranged those declarations.

9.   What is CLR?

Ans: Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a run-time environment that manages the.NET code execution and provides memory management, debugging, protection, services, etc.   The CLR is also known as the Virtual Execution System.

10.  Describe Assembly and Manifest.

Ans: An assembly is a series of one or more files, including special metadata, called the Assembly Manifesto. The manifest is saved as binary information and includes assembly versioning specifications, the author, security permissions, and a list of assembly files.

11. Mention the new features of Visual Studio 2017

Ans: These are the new features of Visual Studio 2017

  • You can use VS Code 2017 to develop apps compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, Linux. You can develop web applications and apps for the cloud.
  • Now you can write code faster than before. You can debug and diagnose the code without any difficulty. Test as many times as you want so that you can release the program with full confidence.
  • You can now personalize your Visual Studio according to your needs. You can also extend the capability of your IDE by designing your own extensions.

12. State the difference between the Enum.GetValues and Enum.GetNames method.

Ans: You can return an array of the underlying values for every item present in the Enum using GetValues.

You can return a string array of the names for the items present in Enum using GetName.

13. How will you interact with Git in Visual Studio?

Ans: Git and VS Code can be linked, and they can be used in several ways. If you work on a project in Visual Code, you can set it up, commit it quickly and publish the code into a Git service.

Visual Studio also allows you to manage your Git repositories. Use the buttons located on the bottom right corner of the IDE to do so.

14. What benefits will you get if you design a python application using Visual Studio Code?

Ans: All python applications are defined using files and folders. Unless you use a proper IDE, you will have a hard time managing the files if the program becomes huge.

In some cases, some auto-generated files, JavaScript, and some other files get added to the structure, which makes it even more complex.

You can reduce this complexity if you use VS Code. A .pyproj file will identify all the source and content files that are associated with the project. They also contain the build information of all the associated files and maintain the information required to integrate them with source-control systems. VS Code will help you organize all these files into logical components, which will make management a whole lot easier.

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